Call for Papers a.y. 2021/2022

International Workshop

National Cases on Human Embryos and the EU Court of Justice
From artificial procreation to human enhancement in the era of transhumanism


Call for Papers and Use Cases

The Jean Monnet PROTECH – European Chair Protection Law of Individuals in Relation to New Technologies (ERASMUS + JEAN MONNET ACTIONS 611876-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR) of the Suor Orsola Benincasa University (Naples, Italy) will host the PROTECH Workshop at the same University a.y. 2021/2022 entitled

“From human being to cyborg”

National Cases on Human Embryos and the EU Court of Justice. From artificial procreation to human enhancement in the era of transhumanism “.

The Workshop focuses on the protection of individuals in relation to the development of new technologies, with particular regard to artificially created life forms and human enhancement. In particular, the legal issues concerning human creation, hybridisation and enhancement through the use of artificial intelligence in all its various articulations and of technological tools in general will be studied in depth.

The European Union is founded on the values of human dignity, equality and respect for human rights. The European system promotes scientific and technological progress, focusing on ethical and social issues, in the context of the interactions between science and technological development. In this perspective, numerous hard law and soft law acts and multiple jurisprudential decisions have been published, at national and supranational level in order to guarantee the protection of the human being – including embryos or new forms of life created in the laboratory – in relation to the development of new technologies. Similarly, there are numerous proposals for legislative acts aimed at regulating the use of artificial intelligence, as well as the development of evaluation toolkits on the level of ethics compliance of the same.

The aim of the PROTECH Workshop a.y. 2021/2022 is to highlight the need for a protective approach of European law regarding the relationship between individuals and technologies, with particular regard to the protection of human life created in the laboratory, or to the protection of the human being enhanced through the use of technology, and this because of the relationship of structural vulnerability of the human being (and not just human) in these situations.

The aim of the call is to create a qualified scientific debate between the Academy (University Professors, Researchers, PhDs and PhD students belonging to Italian or foreign research centers) Institutions (local and national) as well as private entities , on the issues indicated, in order to propose solutions to the multiple and delicate legal issues generated by the relationship between human beings and technologies in the indicated area or to broader questions concerning the same issues (e.g relationship between ethics, economics and science). In particular, the workshop aims to indicate a possible solution to the problem of creating and disseminating reliable technologies that are not harmful to humans, artificially created or enhanced.

The presentations of the selected Speakers must have a maximum duration of 15 minutes and may be supported by the use of max n. 10 slide , written in Power Point format (.ppt).

By October 31, 2022, the speakers will be able to send their application, specifying the title of the Research Project and the Center / Research Body / Doctoral program to which they belong. It is important that it is funded research :

  • by an Italian or foreign public or private body or by the EU;
  • with a doctorate, research grant, research grant and the like .

All the slides presented, accompanied by an abstract, will be published in the collection of proceedings of the PROTECH Workshop, ReCEPL Series, Suor Orsola Università Editrice ( https: //universitypress.unisob . ) in open access format ( https: // www / university / c008_u.h t m? vr = 1 ).

In addition, interested speakers will be able to submit by December 31st a scientific contribution resulting from their presentation during the Workshop of November 11th 2022 for publication in the European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies – EJPLT ( ) .

The PROTECH workshop a.y. 2021/22, now in its third edition, will place particular emphasis on:

  1. implementation of the protective approach in European law to the relationship between individuals and technologies , with particular regard to embryos and new forms of life created in the laboratory as well as to human enhancement through the use of artificial intelligence;
  2. increase scientific dissemination on the topics covered by the Workshop , through participation in a widely accessible call, whose selected contributions will be presented during the workshop and then published in the conference proceedings and / or in the European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies (EJPLT );
  3. strengthen international exchange and dialogue between Institutions and Academies on the themes of the Workshop.


Papers and Use cases submission

Academics and representatives of Institutions and the world of private entities are invited to participate in the debate on the legal issues listed above by participating in the third edition of the PROTECH Workshop – structured in four panels – and the publication of their Power Point presentations in the Workshop proceedings, in addition to the possible publication a scientific contributions resulting from his/her own talk at the Workshop, on the European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies (EJPLT ).

To participate, professors, researchers, Ph.Ds and Ph.D. studens belonging to Italian or foreign research institutes /centers and representatives of the Institutions, are invited to respond to this call by sending their application to by 31 October 2022. In particular, it will be necessary to send:

  • abstract (up to 200 words and in pdf format);
  • your CV (in pdf format).

Participants can come from anywhere in the world and have different scientific backgrounds, including not only law, but also life sciences, medicine, economics, engineering, information technology and design.

The authors will be informed via email by November 2nd, 2022 on the outcome of the selection for the PROTECH Workshop a.y. 2021/2022. Participation in the Workshop is free for both speakers and spectators; likewise, the publication of presentations in the proceedings of the Workshop, ReCEPL Series, and the eventual publication of contributions in the European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies (EJPLT) is also free.

Each Abstract will be subjected to a double-blind review process conducted by expert Referees, members of the teaching staff of the Jean Monnet PROTECH Chair (peer review), coordinated by the Chair holder Prof. Lucilla Gatt. The evaluators specialists who verify the eligibility of contributions for the Workshop.

The selected abstracts will be presented during the PROTECH Workshop on 11 November 2022 and placed in one of the 4 panels by the holder of the Jean Monnet Protech Chair , Prof. Lucilla Gatt.

By November 30th, 2022 it will be possible to send the slides of your presentation (maximum 10 slides) and the abstract in the final version for publication in the proceedings of the PROTECH Workshop III edition , ReCEPL Series, Suor Orsola Università Editrice.

Interested parties will also be able to submit their own scientific contribution on the issues addressed during the Workshop for publication in the European Journal of Privacy Law and Technologies (EJPLT) by December 31st, 2022. Contributions submitted for publication on EJPLT must not have already been published in other Journals. Selected evaluators of the EJPLT Journal have the right to exclude contributions that do not meet the scientific quality requirements required for publication in the Journal.



Eligible candidates :

  1. Professors, researchers, PhDs and PhDs from Italian or foreign research centers and to private entities;
  2. Representatives of Italian or foreign Institutions.

Documents to be sent: abstract (up to 200 words) and CV and (all in .pdf format)

Deadline for submitting applications: 31 October 2022 ; application to be sent by email to

Notification of acceptance for participation in the PROTECH Workshop : 2 November 2022

PROTECH workshop: November 11 , 2022

Deadline for the presentation of the final version of the presentation (.ppt) and abstract for the publication of the proceedings of the PROTECH Workshop: 30 November 2022.

Deadline for the possible submission of scientific contributions eligible for publication on EJPLT (articles, ruling notes, use cases or focus papers not yet published): 31 December 2022.