Social Networks and Multimedia habitats
16 October 2020 - 09:30 - 18:30
Workshop Videos
The Jean Monnet Chair PROTECH, chaired by Prof. Lucilla Gatt from UNISOB, is organizing the workshop “Social Networks and multimedia habitats” on the next October 16, Friday, from 9.30 to 18.30. The workshop will be held online on Google Meet.
Participation is free upon registration by clicking below:
The workshop is part of the Erasmus Days 2020 (October 15-17, 2020), aiming to promote European values, the benefits of cultural exchange and the results of Erasmus+ projects, also during this complex current perdiod. For more information about Erasmus Days 2020: http://www.erasmusplus.it/erasmusdays-2020/
The event is sponsored by:
The event has been accredited by the Naples Bar Association with the release of no. 3 Professional Training Credits.